Adobe Wave WordPress Plugin finished


Well, the term “finished” is a bit too much in this case. But I wrote a WordPress plugin which sends a message to your Adove Wave feed, after you have published a blog post. The message will contain the title of your post as text and is linked the latest blog post. Installation is quite simple: just download the WordPress plugin, unpack it, and upload it via FTP to your blog.

You need to store it in the wp-content/plugins folder. Then log into you WordPress installation, choose “Plugins” and activate the “Christian Grobmeier Wave Plugin”.

Sorry for the name dudes, but WordPress usually needs something unique and I hadn’t had a name which sounds more cool.

Once that is done you need to configure your plugin. This can be done in “Settings / Grobmeier Wave Plugin”. Please provide the topic you want to post to, your wave Username and your Wave password. If you don’t have such things, you’ll probably need a Adobe Publisher Account.

That’s all for the plugin. Once you finished the steps above, WordPress will send notifications to your users when ever you post something. If you come into unexpected trouble, then please check if you are running WordPress with PHP5. I figured out this morning that my installation was running on PHP4 for a long time… this brought up several syntax exceptions.

You’ll need PHP5 to run this plugin. Last thing being said: this is licensed with Apache License 2.0. No guarantees, use at own risk. Your feedback is appreciated. If you have any more questions, drop me some lines.

Tags: #Adobe Wave #Open Source #PHP #WordPress