Google has started to replace JavaScript with something better. It’s name is Dart. Now Dart has been made public and many people do not agree with Google that Dart will ever succeed. They say, Dart takes away the flexibility of JavaScript. When I think back, before 10 years everybody told me that I should not use JavaScript. And if I do, I should make my website run without, just for any case. What if people have disabled JavaScript? And well, thin clients, gentlemen!
JavaScript is simply different to Java. Every Java developer knows he needs a class to create an object. Object-orientation is the key – except when it comes to the primitive datatypes, which are not objects at all. Well, ok, they have class-objects but… anyway less people need to care on that in the Java world.
Suddenly there were the JavaScript people arriving and said they are working object-oriented too. Somehow. But how do they do it without classes? A good JavaScript developer will then tell you the classes are pretty inflexible and everybody needs to add methods to an object from time to time. Prototype based development.
If you give a function reference to a Java guy and explain to him that a simple function already is an object in JavaScript, people stop. I mean, hell, Java people have invested lots of time to think about classes and developed Design Patterns and now they are outdated? What is it, new Design Patterns?
There is more in JavaScript which confuses plain Java Developers: the prototype keyword for example. Or, how can you make private members? There is no keyword for it!
But you can learn JavaScript with all corners and benefits. But if you want to learn, you should know you’ll need some time. It is a different language. It seems nowadays developer think that one must be able to switch from language to language within a few hours. Well, this does not work when switching from Java to JavaScript.
There is an own philosophy in the JavaScript world. Everything there is hyperagile. Types well, are so oldschool and after all, with Node.JS JavaScript servers are available and with CoachDB one can even get rid of something like Application Containers.
Now Dart has arrived and told people they want to replace JavaScript. It is pretty clear that some people are annoyed while the others, who are used to work with app containers, are not really impressed. They will not switch to frontend programming just because Dart arrived. And nobody said anything on server programming.
Uncle Google had the idea to make Browser Scripting easier. JavaScript is fine, but has language drawbacks. Well, who really thought JavaScript would became so important back in 1996? After all it is one of the less languages which are really platform independent. But learning JavaScript is not easy, especially when you come from the Java world. This are most people coming from University.
How did Mr Google proceed?
He thought it would be good to combine the best of both worlds. And he even looked at some other worlds too. First he introduced classes again. And there is a main() method again. And interfaces. And Types. But the latter one is only optional, if you would like to keep your flexibility.
JavaScript Devs are usually not keen to see classes again.
Dart is not available for Browsers at the moment, not even for Chrome. You need to compile your Dart code to JavaScript code if you want to use it. But honestly, the output of a simple „Hello World“ program is 7 MB. That’s not exactly high performance. This is a matter of change in future.
There is a command line which is already very useful. With Dart you can create server side code, that’s pretty nice.
You have to compile Dart yourself. This is fine with Linux and easy with OS X but it is a bit complicated on Windows systems. So you can’t say it is widely available.
Anyway, Dart is not for production yet.
In JavaScript you have some kind of global namespace. And you’ll need to keep it clean. Every script has the same global namespace, and therefore if you define something in A.js it is available in B.js. This is not the case with Dart. Every Dart file runs as an Isolate. Therefore every Dart file can have a main() method which will be executed after (another difference to JavaScript) the DOM tree has been fully loaded. If you want to communicate between isolations, you can implement SendPort and ReceivePort. This reminds bit on Erlang, were Isolates are an important part of the language. Definitions between Isolates are not shared. In other terms, if you define something in A.dart it will not be accessible in B.dart. Your namespace is clean.
This is how Dart looks:
class MyClass {
var value;
MyClass() {
print ("constructor");
main() {
MyClass my = new MyClass.woho("something");
MyClass dft = new MyClass();
I have made up a class with a member called „value“. Followed by two constructors. The first one is very easy to explain, it is pretty much like the default constructor in Java. The second one is different: it is a named constructor. These act like every constructor, just with a name. If you would like to call it, you need to call:
new MyClass.constructorname()
This is because in dynamically typed languages it is not really easy to add a feature as „overloading“. If you look at the constructor signature, it is a bit weird:
No brackets. It means that you assign the first parameter to the member field „value“ automatically. This is very nice and actually you’ll find things like this in other aspects of the language too. This does not prevent you to do something like:
MyClass.woho(this.value) {
Of course you can make it look like Java too:
MyClass.woho(var value) {
JavaScript developers don’t like types too much, but for Java dev, things are not so easy. They say, you’ll need types to build huge systems. There will be no answer to these questions, but how can Dart deal with these two different philosophies? The answer is: optional types.
If you use types in Dart you should know they your program will not fail at runtime when your types are somehow wrong. It can even be compiled to JavaScript. That being said, types are not as strong as in Java.
Google devs say you can use types for documentation.
In addition they give you a type checker tool which finds issues for you and generates warnings. It is more a „Lint“ tool and you should not mistake it with what you get on the Eclipse problems view. You need to enable it manually to make it work.
On the commandline it is:
dart --enable_type_checks myfile.dart
This generates warnings in the following code:
class MyClass {
String value;
MyClass.woho(String value) {
this.value = value;
main() {
MyClass my = new MyClass.woho("something");
print ( my.value );
MyClass my = new MyClass.woho(new Other());
Bob Nystrom wrote, jQuery gave us some revelations on CSS selection of elements. Therefore it seems the selection mechanism in Dart is pretty similar to jQuery. So here ist he difference, starting with JavaScript:
In jQuery:
$(.#myDiv’); or like $().find(‚#myDiv’);
Finally in Dart:
Dart selector methods are only two: query and queryAll. You are able to select one element or a group of elements. Instead of an array like in JavaScript you get a Collections in return. Again it looks as this is a gift for Java developers.
Here is another selector example:
elem.queryAll(‚.myClass .otherClass’);
It selects elements with these two classes. Dart also has streamlined the way you can get attributes from a specific element.
There is the factory pattern build into the language. I have already read „Design Patterns are so outdated“. I cannot agree. Design Patterns still are a useful way to communicate between developers. The Factory pattern is a very important one and widely used. If you don’t want it, you are not forced to use it. But looking at it, it is really smart and nice.
There are already very good a clean APIs for the most important work (like Collections). There are Exceptions and there are Generics. One might say, why do you need Generics when you have such a weak typing system? Again: it is about readability and of course you have the type checker doing some work for you – before you go into production.
Isolates are there. This is powerful and I expect that there will be a chance to create multi-threaded apps with Dart in a while.
Dart is young! There is room for development and it is not ready for production yet. But hey, no problem. It looks GOOD. It is open source. The good thing is, you can make look it like JavaScript or like Java. Listening to the latest rumours it might be available in Android phones, and hey, who knows? Maybe Dart becomes the language which replaces Java in a few years on the phone? It is actually not the worst idea when I think on the performance of my Android Emulator. Let’s see what happens when people start to write frameworks and when browsers allow Dart code.
Tags: #Dart #Java #JavaScript #jQuery #Open Source