Back in 2012, I became VP, Apache Logging Services.. In the Apache Software Foundation, it means I was a Foundations Officer, and I was responsible for talking to the board, whenever question or problems arise.
Apache Log4j is a project with a long history. There were problems, and Log4j was once half dead. Around the time when I became VP, the project was “healing” itself. Ralph Goers was actively seeding the foundation for a Log4j 2. The atmosphere and tune in the project became warmer than before. We grew again.
I am very happy to say that I felt I could actively help to restore the project. It was easy: many great people helped. It honored me that I could take the role of a Chair then. It is by election, and it meant: people trusted me. Thank you, dear people! For me, this was an extraordinary experience. I learned a lot, and it was fun.
The role of a chair does not give you any extra powers. It doesn’t pay out money. But still: when somebody hears “VP, Apache Logging Services” - it causes that “wow” effect. Especially for people not involved in the foundation.
Maybe that is why I believe the Chair should rotate on a regular basis. A chair doesn’t have extra powers, but it looks like that. People might get drunk from that feeling.
At Logging and Log4j, we decided to elect annually or when needed. A couple of times I was reelected.
However, for a few months now I feel I got tired. When a new report needed to be written, I was not able to do it from the mind like before. I had to read the archives. Due to personal circumstances, I was not longer able to put in all the time, passion and commitment I needed. The things I want to see myself from a Chair.
Why was I still Chair, I asked myself.
It looked good on my social media profiles. It looked good on my CV.
But seriously, this is not enough. When you keep the role because it looks good, then it’s not to the best for the project.
That’s why I decided to ask for a new election and step back.
I proposed two great candidates out of many great people on the project, and I was very happy to hear that Ralph Goers accepted the nomination.
Starting with November 2015, I am not longer VP, Apache Logging Services.
I am open for new challenges around the Apache Software Foundation. And it hopefully helps the project, as I believe Ralph will do an excellent job!
Congratulations Ralph, you can be sure you have my full support!
Tags: #Apache #Apache log4j #Apache Log4PHP #Apache Logging #Open Source